We have some amazing artists who are a part of the 2017 Seattle Erotic Art Festival! We are finalizing our list of invited artists. A few more confirmations, and we will be ready to announce all of our artists. We celebrate and encourage artists announcing their participation.
The festival has had trouble with our email service and we want to make sure that artists have all the information they need. This posts contains important information, such as deadlines and locations. There are also links to the necessary paperwork for artists with Visual, Literary, Installation, and Store art accepted into the festival
Artists! This is for you!
Copy this Artist Badge for your website or social media to proudly announce your inclusion in #SEAF2017. The URL to link the badge to is https://www.seaf.art Alternate versions are available for download on our Facebook page.
Please print and fill out your forms completely. Either ship or hand deliver them with your art. You will want to review your artist bio in the portal and the information of your accepted art. You can email Drea to change anything about your art pieces or your bio.
If you haven’t done so already, please submit items and art to the Festival Store for review. As an accepted artist, you are automatically accepted into the store. Ed, our Store Manager, just needs to approve your quantities. Log into the Artist Portal to enter art here: https://submissions.seattleerotic.org
Ticket discount codes have been emailed out. Artists will receive one code for a Festival pass for themselves. A second code in the amount of the highest entry fee paid that can be applied toward a ticket for a guest. Ticket prices do go up the closer we get to the Festival. We encourage you to purchase your guest’s ticket early.
These discount codes can only be redeemed online. Discount codes are no longer valid after noon on Friday, April 28th. If you are going to join us at the festival, please reserve your Festival Pass before that time.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via artisthelp@seattleerotic.org.
It’s a pleasure to have you as part of our 15th anniversary!
Sophia Iannicelli and Drea Talley
Executive Director and Artist Liaison
Important Dates for Artists:
Docents Meet the Artists — Saturday, March 25, 2017, 3pm-5pm
Hale’s Ales Brewery & Pub, 4301 Leary Way NW, Seattle, WA 98107
This is a chance for any artists to share stories about their accepted and invited works with the Festival Art Docents. The stories help patrons connect with the art and increase art sales. Hale’s is allowing us to use the space free of charge, so please support them by purchasing a beverage or food.
Shipped Art Arrival Time-frame — April 5 though April 22, 2017
SEAF c/o FSPC 1514 NW 46th Street Seattle, WA 98107
International artists may ship immediately to allow maximum time for delivery.
Docents Meet the Artists — Saturday, April 15, 2017, 12pm-2pm
Club Sapphire, 14220 Interurban Ave S, Tukwila, WA 98168
This is a chance for any artists to share stories about their accepted and invited works with the Festival Art Docents. The stories help patrons connect with the art and increase art sales. there will a slideshow on display of accepted and invited visual art. Light refreshments provided.
Visual and Store Art Drop-Off — April 25, 2017, 4pm-8pm
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall 301 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109
There are 15 minute loading zones in front of the Exhibition Hall. Please limit the amount of time you are in the building so other artists can make use of these loading zones.
Installation Load-In — April 26, 2017
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall 301 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109
Confirm your arrival time with the Installation Curator. Make all deliveries through the front doors unless instructed to do otherwise.
Behind the Curtain Artist Reception — April 27, 2017 8pm-10pm
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall 301 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109
Not open to the public. Invitation Only for artists, Art Activists, and sponsors. Accepted artists are invited to bring one guest.
Seattle Erotic Art Festival — April 28-30, 2017
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall 301 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109
The full schedule of our 15th anniversary is being constructed. The Festival Schedule will be updated regularly.
Unsold Art Pick up — April 30, 2016, 6pm-8pm
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall 301 Mercer Street Seattle, WA 98109
If you art work has a red dot on it, congratulations! You don’t need to show up. Any art that is not picked up at this time, or has a return shipping label, will be considered a donation to the Foundation For Sex Positive Culture. Artist who donate are will receive a letter of donation for their tax records.
Important Documents

Click to download the artist documents. These documents are also located on the home page of the Artist Portal. Please note that only artists with accepted photography need to fill out the Model Age Certification.
More information for Artists:
An overview of the benefits accepted and declined artists receive.
*Featured photo of installation art “Queeriodic Table” from 2012 by Kona!