Introducing the 2025 Visual Artists

Hello art lovers, wherever you are! We are just under two months away from the 2025 Seattle Erotic Art Festival! We know that the anticipation is building, and we are here today to make it worse. Because we know you’re into that. How are we going to make it worse? By teasing you with a promise of what’s coming. It is time that we introduce the 2025 Visual Artists.

Seattle Erotic Art Festival is known worldwide for a comprehensive collection of international fine art celebrating the diversity of human sexual expression. The incredible creativity with which artists approach the subject of erotica is captured in all manner of visual media: painting, photography, sculpture, assemblage, prints, mixed media, and more.

We are honored and beyond excited to present the visual artists who heeded our call to answer the question, “What is erotic?”

Masters of Erotic Art

This is the Festival’s highest honor. The Masters of Erotic Art program showcases artists who have made meaningful contributions to the realm of erotic art. View the full list of Masters of Erotic Art, of all mediums, here. The 2025 exhibition will include work by:

Juried Artists

This year’s exhibition was selected by: Rae Akino; Sandra; Stella Harris; DasBee; Greg Rubin. Read more about the 2025 jury here.

A Subtle Notion CO US
Agustina Forest WA US
AHsome Arts LLC WA US
Al the Rebel NC US
Amor B WA US
Andy Lime CA US
Art87jr LA US
Ayla Quellhorst WA US
Bailee WA US
Bam Bam WA US
Beautifully Carved Creations NJ US
Birds Stone Dorset GB
Black Omi Art Co WA US
Bryson Wesley Smith OH US
carpeLucis WA US
Chaotic symmetry FL US
Charlie Noble WA US
Clone Art Designs WA US
Cory Graham Converse MI US
Darron Copeland CT US
Dave Clay WA US
deformphotos WA US
Dirty Archangel NJ US
E.C. Brown Anomalies WA US
Echo Chernik WA US
Evoë Thorne WA US
Flame Friends-Jeff Hicks & Jed Vassallo WA US
Georgia Fried MD US

Greg Chase WA US
Hugo Printmaking Bern CH
Irina Milton Fine Art WA US
JB Vendredi CA US
Jeff Troy WA US
Jeremy The Creative WA US
Jess Butler WA US
Jim Duvall WA US
Jimmie Arroyo NJ US
Kalesta Ponder WA US
Kallisti Photo OR US
Koray Kocaturk WA US
Lee Cattarin WA US
Leigh Witherell FL US
ling song MI US
Marc DeBauch MN US
Megan Landon TX US
Miguel Eduardo WA US
Mirrors of Melanin WA US
Ms Mykie TX US
Nash IA US
Nell Kerr WA US
Nexus68 OR US
Nika Wilder WA US
Paulo Artistics SC US
PaulSamoa WA US
Richard Ballman: Infinite Sexy Marriage WA US
RiggerJay WA US

Roderick Macdonald Cambs GB
Sadekaronhes WA US
Sam Vaughan CA US
Samara Martinez WA US
Sean Farrell WA US
Sensualight Photography WA US
Sleepy Hollow Imagery IA US
Steve Jensen Studios WA US
Sty Ontario CA
Sugar May OR US
Sugiura Nureo Aichi JP
Suneeva Saldanha WA US
Tetiana Cherevan Spain ES
The Masked Marion SD US
Tiffany Anton, Erotic Stitch IN US
Tim (Tucker) Wulf WA US
Tyema Renee CO US
Tyler Spencer Design & Illustration OR US
uckiood–Missy Douglas & Kim Rask WA US
Valkyrie HD WA US
Verdant Lens WA US
Wei Wei AZ US
Wireworx WA US
Zach Grear NY US
Zander Salander WA US
Ɂasabak WA US

Invited Artists

This year, the Festival is pleased to welcome guest curator Nero Villagallos O’Reilly, who has selected a collection of works exploring comic and sequential art.

Invited art presented as part of the exhibition is curated by Festival Director Sophia Sky Iannicelli and Exhibition Curator Andrew Moran.

Adeline Poufong BC CA
Aelektra WA US
Authenticityi WA US
Beau Beatrix CA US
Blue Delliquanti MN US
Bruja Diosa WA US
C. A. Gray OR US
Cereza Uusimaa FI
Cyra Jane WA US
Dain Delaney WA US
Darker Art WA US
David Steinberg CA US
E.K. Weaver Texas US
Fanfi Region Metropolitana de Santiago CL
Feral Maz WA US
Francois Dubeau QC CA
Freyja Whitney WA US
Hair Spun WA US
Hannah Smoot CA US
Hector Domiane FR
Hooligan Lili WA US
Impish Ties WA US
InnkeeperWorm AZ US
Iris Jay WA US

Jack T. Cole OR US
Jacoby Hinton WA US
Jadzia Quacks WA US
Jennifer Jigour Western Australia AU
Jon Cairns NY US
Jordan Hill AZ US
Katy Jones-Final Girl Art CO US
Khadoma Colomby WA US
Kinky Potter WA US
Kyle Anderson NY US
Leslie Thyagarajan WA US
Lynz Brightly WA US
M. Curry Designs WA US
Madame Umbra Aichi JP
Maddox WA US
Maridad Studio TX US
Meadow Intuitive Arts LLC OR US
Michael A Rosen CA US
Michele Serchuk NY US
Monsterbait CO US
Neon Lionesse BC CA
Nero Villagallos O’Reilly WA US
Nikki Jabbora-Barber WA US
Nomifuki Tokyo-to JP
Nymphidia Timiș RO

Oliver Hyde WA US
Otava Heikkilä Pirkanmaa FI
Palomita Studios TX US
Patca Utrecht NL
Polly Superstar NV US
R. N. Garcia WA US
Ram Lightly NY US
Roxanne Kozma WA US
Samantha Zoe Strong WA US
Sangmin Tang Lee WA US
Sara Ann Emerson WA US
Scott Anstett WA US
Shank Arte Gironde FR
SJ Miller NV US
Slippery Foxtrot WA US
Sofrita WA US
Sorrel F WA US
Stasia Burrington WA US
T. Erin WA US
Tatyana Brown WA US
Thalissa Valery WA US
Wilbur Hurley CA US
Wrays of Sunshine WA US
XolotlCereus WA US

2025 Visual Artists: A panoramic pictures of the 2022 Seattle Erotic Art Festival from above the bar, showing a atmospherically lit view of the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall.