This is it, you darling makers and creators! The final week! The Call for Art awaits!
In just seven days the portal will unlock and we will begin accepting all of your sexy, evocative, and thought provoking submissions! We are practically vibrating with anticipation – that’s not a magic wand left on, that’s just how excited we are.
So, the details – the Seattle Erotic Art Festival 2020 Call for Art will run from December 1, 2019 to January 15, 2020. We will be offering a special Early Bird discounted fee of $18 for submissions before Dec. 15. After the 15th, the submission fee with be $36. Your fee allows you to submit up to 5 works to the Festival. A breakdown of our fees and all corresponding deadlines can be found right over here.
Visual, Literary, Installation, Performance, Interactive, and Store will all be submitting through the portal this year. That’s right, all of you! We do have some extra instruction for performers on how to use the portal, as this will be a first, and those instructions are included on all these lovely pages being linked in this post. We will also be staging a showing of film on Sunday of the festival (April 26), but all films must be submitted as Installation Art!
Finally, please keep in mind that we will not be extending the submission dates for Store art this year – please submit your pieces for the store along with the rest of your work. Not sure if you should submit to the store? The answer is yes. The answer is almost always yes.
If you have any questions, please consult the FAQ and the Submissions Guidelines and Fees page. If the FAQ or info page still does not answer your question, you are welcome to reach out to us via either email ( or you can call us at (206) 229-2185.
We hope to see you – and your art – soon!